The other night N and I went to see Diana Krall. A very kind friend of ours gave us some tickets, and despite the laziness that had crept into our bones we extracted ourselves from the couch, closed our eyes to Seinfeld re-runs and headed out Boondall-way to hear some music.
When we first arrived Madeleine Peyroux was scatting around, revving the crowd with her quirky brand of jazz/blues/soul, it tasted good! Once she finished her set there was a little break, and we headed outside into the bizarre maze of the Brisbane Entertainment Centre to toilet and wine it up.
It was a very strange crowd in this 80s landmark. All of them were 45+ (which is fine, just an observation), we were the youngest cats around, but everyone was there for a love of music (they must have been because no one goes to Boondall unless something very compelling is on there). There was a great buzz about, a feeling of ‘what’s next’ in the air………
So, we went back to our seats, to see the stage set up with a grand piano, and stalls for the Queensland Orchestra who were performing with Krall.
Soon after she entered stage right with her band of key jazz musicians, and from the moment she placed her fingers on the piano she was electric.
And her musicians too! We watched the drummer play his solo with absolute fascination. He seemed not to have elbows or joints in his arms and hands; they were in fact jelly arms that just glided between the drums with such fluidity. Her guitarist and bass player too were just prodigious; their solos rocked and had the 10,000 strong crowd on the edge of their seats. Of course when the Queensland Orchestra joined in, it was just superb, a wall of beautiful sound emanated throughout the stadium.
But, it was Krall who was the cat’s pajamas of course. She was divine. Her blonde locks loose and flowing, a stunning black dress tucked around her tiny figure, and sky high heels……she looked the part and was the real deal jazz lady. And, when she played, wow! Her fingers tore up the piano, and that rich creamy voice got me right in the guts.
Best of all though was when Krall and the assembled musicians would finish a song she would burst into a glorious cackle, that would ring through the microphone and emphasized that as much fun as we were having watching her, she was having the time of her life performing.
We decided then and there, that our lives and life's work should make us feel like cackling with joy everyday too. It's a cliche now I know, but really life is too short to live any other way.
Oh, you were just divine Ms Krall and you did that truly magical thing a great artist can do, you stimulated, inspired and motivated us through your art to live our lives with joy. Thank you.
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